

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is perhaps the most popular application protocol used in the Internet (or The WEB).

HTTP is an asymmetric request-response client-server protocol as illustrated. An HTTP client sends a request message to an HTTP server. The server, in turn, returns a response message.

In other words, HTTP is a pull protocol, the client pulls information from the server (instead of server pushes information down to the client).

HTTP is a client-server application-level protocol.


① http response message


② http request message



‘Cache-Control’ Key

Cache-Control header was defined as part of the HTTP/1.1 specification and supersedes previous headers (e.g. Expires) used to define response caching policies. All modern browsers support Cache-Control, hence that is all we will need.

Each resource can define its caching policy via Cache-Control HTTP header Cache-Control directives control who can cache the response, under which conditions, and for how long.

Cache-Control 指令 说明
max-age=86400 浏览器和任何intermediary caches缓存均可以将响应(如果是public的)缓存长达一天(60 秒 x 60 分 x 24 小时)
private, max-age=600 客户端浏览器只能将响应缓存最长 10 分钟(60 秒 x 10 分)
no-store 不允许缓存响应,每个请求必须获取完整的响应。
no-cache 表示必须先与服务器确认返回的响应是否被更改,然后才能使用该响应来满足后续对同一个网址的请求。因此,如果存在合适的验证令牌 (ETag),no-cache 会发起往返通信来验证缓存的响应,如果资源未被更改,可以避免下载。

Defining optimal Cache-Control policy


浏览器发出的所有 HTTP 请求会首先被路由到浏览器的缓存,以查看是否缓存了可以用于实现请求的有效响应。如果有匹配的响应,会直接从缓存中读取响应,这样就避免了网络延迟以及传输产生的数据成本。然而,如果我们希望更新或废弃已缓存的响应,该怎么办?

例如,假设我们已经告诉访问者某个 CSS 样式表缓存长达 24 小时 (max-age=86400),但是设计人员刚刚提交了一个更新,我们希望所有用户都能使用。我们该如何通知所有访问者缓存的 CSS 副本已过时,需要更新缓存? 很简单,在资源内容更改时,我们可以更改资源的网址,强制用户下载新响应。通常情况下,可以通过在文件名中嵌入文件的指纹码(或版本号)来实现 - 例如 style_x234dff.css。 图片:



Caching checklist:

  1. Use consistent URLs
  2. Ensure the server provides a validation token (ETag)
  3. Identify which resources can be cached by intermediaries
  4. Determine the optimal cache lifetime for each resource
  5. Determine the best cache hierarchy for your site
  6. Minimize churn



“The best request : not need to communicate with server”

(本文章非原创 由本人摘录整理)